

This blog will showcase my 365 work. My goal for 2011 is to take one picture a day, to capture our life in 2011. I have found, since starting my photography business, that I take less and less photos of my family. This project is a way to push me to capture my life and my family, and not just my clients. You can view my professional photography work here and on my blog

Day 3/365

Tonight is a big night for my girl. Tonight she is going to try to sleep in her bed. She was never a good sleeper (I joke that she hasn't slept for 6 years!), but she at least always slept in her own bed. But, then when she was about 4-4/12 years old, she started coming down in our bed in the middle of the night. This has progressed to sleeping in our bed every night. Some nights she starts in her bed, and ends up in our bed. The other nights, she sleeps with us from the beginning. We had some tears before bed, and she has already been out of her room two times in 30 minutes, but I am hoping she can make it tonight. Part of me could care less whether she sleeps in her own bed, because she's only little once. But, the other part of me really wants a full nights sleep! We'll see how it goes. :)


Amy said...

Good luck! I have one that's not the best sleeper either and he'll still occasionally get into bed with us. He's 7.

She's adorable!

Amanda said...

Thanks, Amy! It's so hard when they aren't good sleepers. And, I think she's pretty cute too :)

Jen Baker said...

Melatonin is a wonderful wonderful little vitamin I hear:)

Amanda said...

Oh, Jen, we have tried melatonin...numerous time! My pedi says that she will probably always be a poor sleeper into adulthood.

Jen Baker said...

:( Lanie is a hard sleeper but doesnt require as much as a kid her age should. But at least when she is asleep she is OUT.

Tracy said...

Such a sweet photo.

Melissa said...

She is darling! Good luck tonight.

Photography said...

She is gorgeous! I slept in my parents bed till i was waaaayyyy to old but it is a comfort thing :-)

Dawn said...

Hey Amanda - has she had her tonsils out? My brother (currently 27) has horrible tonsils and should've had them out when he was small. I've read numerous times about the correlation between enlarged tonsils and sleep apnea. My nephew had his out a few years ago and became a different kid over night. Same for the son of a good friend. Just a suggestion. I treasure sleep.

Amanda said...

Dawn - She hasn't had her tonsils out. She has had several sets of ear tubes. Maybe the next time we follow up with the ENT, I will ask about that. It would be really nice to find an answer to the night waking, so that we all finally get a good night's sleep!

Ingrid_3Bs said...

Good luck with that! I went through the same thing with my twin boys. It hasn't been that long that they stopped coming to sleep in our room. Because there was 2 of them and they got too big to sneak in, they slept on the floor by my side of the bed. Our youngest jumped in on the act but for the most part she's been a good sleeper both out & mostly in her bed. :)

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